Adverse Effects of Clutter & Decluttering Through Gratitude

December 13, 2021
“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t want.”
― Joshua Becker

In this article, let’s revisit 3 of our most popular articles from the last few months to discover what our readers are interested in and how together, we can help YOU reach your organizational goals. 

In our previous “best-of” article, we took a look back at pieces on organization with 3 Simple Steps and 101 Organization Hacks to Take Back Control of Your Home.

Since then, our readers have enjoyed articles focusing on the adverse effects of clutter, being grateful for clutter, and how to declutter the holidays. 

So, if you missed any or all of them, here’s your chance to get caught up.

You can explore how clutter affects your daily life, and more importantly, learn how to quickly and easily take back control from clutter through gratitude.

Below you will find links to the original articles, along with a quick recap of each one. 



Halloween has come and gone, but the horrors of clutter may still be haunting some of our homes. 

And while clutter can be terrifying, it is rarely talked about as deadly…but is it?  

You may be thinking that this sounds overly dramatic—but the long-term effects of clutter are scientifically proven to be detrimental to your mental and physical health.

If you are experiencing any of these 7 warning signs, take this as your wake-up call to kick clutter to the curb

And do not forget to sign up for our Destress Your Mess Challenge. The next challenge runs Monday-Friday, January 17-22, 2022 each night at 8:00 PM Eastern (New York time). You can register for only $1!


It is a great idea to declutter your home before the holiday festivities even start, but before we get to that, let’s explore how to simplify the holiday experience as a whole.

If the holidays seem to be lacking joy, happiness, and peace, it may be time for a holiday overhaul. 

Too many unrealistic expectations, demands, and added stress can clutter the joy right out of any special occasion. 

But, there’s good news—it is possible to reclaim your happiness and a sense of peace by simplifying the holidays.

 Even if your celebrations are coming to an end for the year, these four simple ways to declutter the holidays are relevant for all year round.


It is easy to focus on the negative emotions and feelings that surface when we think about clutter…such as anxiety, stress, guilt, shame, and embarrassment. 

But if you have never looked at a growing pile of clutter and felt a sense of gratitude, give it a try. 

If your first thought is, “Why would I be grateful for this pile of STUFF that makes me anxious?” The simple answer is that having more than you need is a good problem to have. 

And remember, no shame or guilt—this isn’t about wealth or socioeconomic status—monetary wealth has nothing to do with having too much stuff. 

So it does not matter whether you acquired your things from a freegan lifestyle or bought it all in the most expensive stores—if you have more than you can use or need, you live in abundance. Even when it feels like a burden.

Now if you want to be a bit less abundant and let go of some of your clutter, once you accept the idea that you are living in a state of abundance, build upon that Aha moment to nurture your sense of gratitude. 

Only when we appreciate what we have can we begin to filter out the things that we no longer need. 

If you are still struggling with feeling gratitude for the clutter filling up YOUR life, then it is time to DO something—make 2022 the year that you conquer the clutter in your personal spaces for good. 

You can become a clutter warrior by joining us for the new Unstuff Your Life System® in January 2022. 


Clutter is quite straightforward—it’s just stuff.

Our responses to it, however, may not be. 

And based on how we think about, feel about, and interact with stuff, clutter can create chaos in multiple areas of your life, including your home, your schedule, your job, and even your relationships. 

When evaluating clutter, it can be all too easy to focus on the physical STUFF and lose sight of the stuff behind the stuff. 

Then we waste precious time and energy being mad or frustrated at inanimate objects instead of taking the steps necessary to change. 

You can fight with clutter as much as you want, but it will always outlast you. So surrender that battle and win the war by learning to be grateful for your clutter, embracing it, and then letting it go. 

And if you are looking for more advice on how to declutter your life on the go, subscribe to our New & Noteworthy podcast: Declutter Your Life. It’s a great way to keep your momentum moving forward in bite-sized bits.  

Together we can make 2022 the year YOU reclaim your personal spaces, your holidays, and your health from clutter.

Declutter Your Life Podcast by Andrew Mellen. Available on iTunes!