Your worst clutter hotspot…

Which clutter hotspot makes you the most crazy and frustrated?
Maybe it’s the piles of papers and overstuffed filing cabinets?
Or a closet bursting with clothes you haven’t worn in 3 years?
How about that junk drawer in your kitchen?
Or even those sentimental objects that stress you out and fill you with guilt every time you see them … ?
You know the ones I mean … the stuff you’ve inherited, jammed full of sometimes painful memories of loved ones no longer here or maybe it’s the bittersweet things hanging around from your kids’ childhood?
If you have ANY of these kinds of clutter (or others!), your solution is finally here—the De-Stress Your Mess Challenge!
During this 5-day LIVE Challenge I will help you declutter your home and de-stress YOUR mess!
Together, we’ll start the process of taking any stress-filled areas in your home and turning them into a sanctuary.
Each night we will cover one of four major clutter hotspots that most people struggle with—papers and filing, clothes and closets, the kitchen and pantry, and sentimental objects and heirlooms.
Every night’s session will be held LIVE (at 8:00PM Eastern time and 5:00PM Pacific time) but don’t worry—if you can’t make a session or two (or even all of them), you can still join us and watch the replays 24/7 so you can stay right on track!
Oh, and every night we give away prizes for completing your homework.
And every night you show up, you’re automatically entered into our Grand Prize drawing for a FREE day working with me in your space!
So, if you're serious about decluttering your life and setting yourself free from disorganization and lost time, take your first step now and sign up for the De-Stress Your Mess Challenge today.