Capture and organize photo memories with ease

June 5, 2023

Are you ready to conquer the never-ending battle of organizing your precious memories?

We all know that feeling of overwhelm when we look at our digital photo libraries and those shoeboxes under the bed, wondering how on earth we accumulated so many snapshots!

So before summertime chaos is in full swing, let’s get prepared for those sun-soaked images …

No doubt between travel, kids out of school, and families coming together, you’re going to be taking pictures ….

Join me in a deep dive as we look at a few things you can do right away to make your life easier … 📸 🌞🏃‍♂️

1️ Seize the Sunlit Seconds

Summer is all about seizing the moment, and that applies to organizing your photos too!

Set a timer for 10 minutes in the morning before things heat up and dedicate that time to sorting through your vacation shots, poolside memories, and family adventures.

Embrace the energy of the season and you’ll sprint through those photos like a champ.

2️ Vacay Vibes

Traveling anytime can be a blast, but the aftermath of sorting through vacation photos can feel daunting.

Here's a trick: create separate albums for each trip or destination.

Whether you hit the beach, explore a new city, visit family, or hike through nature, having dedicated albums for each adventure will make organizing so much easier.

3️ Fun-Filled Family Moments

With the kids out of school, summer is a perfect time for family bonding. 

Just like one of our Your Next BIG Thing participants, Elizabeth B., did as her 90-day project, create albums for each family member. 

By doing it in real time, you won’t have a backlog from THIS summer. 

Then just like Elizabeth, on those long days after the kids are asleep, you can start to deal with the historic images, slowly adding them to your current albums.
When you organize your photos by family members, it becomes so much easier to find those cherished memories—and you don’t have to wait until the kids are gone to share their childhood images with them.

4️ Create Collages and Captions

I know some of you love your crafts and scrapbooks so get creative and have some summer-themed fun! 

No point in saving all those supplies for “someday” when every week you can create one collage of your favorite moments.

When you add captions, you capture the essence of those memories.

Not only will this add a personal touch to your photo organization, but it will also bring back the excitement and joy of those moments whenever you revisit them.

5️ Embrace the Imperfect

Remember, perfection isn't the goal—capturing memories is. 

Embrace the candid, imperfect shots that truly showcase the spirit of summer.

It's those unplanned moments that often become the most treasured.

Of course, no one wants to relive trauma or even the big blob of ketchup on the front of their shirt, so edit out any embarrassing or upsetting images.

Then, don't stress over perfect documentation—focus, instead, on the joy and connection these memories bring.

Photos, like other objects in our lives, can delight and charm us, or overwhelm and stop us.

So much of your success depends on your mindset when you take the pictures and then again when it comes time to organize them.

Take it one snapshot at a time, embrace the energy of the season, and let the memories you capture become cherished stories for years to come.

If you want even more help, tips and advice on organizing and storing your photos, we’ve got an all-new Photo Organizing Class! You’ll find more info about it on the link below.

Register here for the Photo Organizing Class Now!

Here’s to more laughter, more love, and less stuff!

Andrew and the team

Declutter Your Life Podcast by Andrew Mellen. Available on iTunes!