The Organizational Triangle

January 3, 2012

At the core of all my work is The Organizational Triangle.

This set of guiding principles provides the foundation for every effective organizing project and is as easy as 1, 2, 3.Just use these 3 simple, powerful rules and you will get AND stay organized for good.

We use the first 2 rules to GET organized; and use the 3rd rule to STAY organized.

Rule #1: One Home For Everything Every item has one home and only one home. No ifs, ands or buts.

Rule #2: Like With Like All like objects live together. And we do mean all.

Rule #3: Something In, Something OutOnce you reach stuff equilibrium having enough of everything that serves you and nothing that doesn'twhen something comes in, something goes out.That's it. Easy, peasy.

Declutter Your Life Podcast by Andrew Mellen. Available on iTunes!